Body Mass Index Categories
The Body Mass Index is quite often used to indicate whether an individual is over or under weight as compared to the average norm.
BMI Category Scale
Starvation: BMI Less than 15
Quite obviously this is a serious situation and persons in this category should seek medical attention immediately.
Anorexic: less than 18
With a BMI below 18 the body is fighting a battle to maintain itself. Persons in this category should make medical attention a priority.
Ideal: BMI 18 to 25
A Body Mass Index of 18 to 25 is a desirable range for the average middle-aged adult. Weight control in this category can be achieved along with a sensible balance eating plan, a good exercise regimen, and preventative medical management.
Overweight: BMI 25 - 30
A BMI of 25 to 30 indicates a weight condition that carries increased risk of weight related problems such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, heart disease and type II diabetes. Persons in this category should seek medical attention to help decrease such illnesses associated with overweight, as well as, a sensible balance eating plan, and a good exercise regimen.
Obese: BMI 30 - 40
A BMI of 30 or more indicates a weight problem that needs to be addressed. Risks in the category include high blood pressure, heart disease, type II diabetes, and other weight related conditions. Persons in this category need to seek medical attention to avoid or prevent further medical related problems.
Morbidly Obese: BMI 40 or greater
A BMI of 40 or greater indicates a severe weight condition. Persons in this category are at risk for complications associated with chronic illnesses including premature death. To help minimize complications associated with obesity, persons in this category should seek medical attention immediately to help prevent complications associated with obesity.